Borough of Naugatuck Request for Proposals
Sealed Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Office, Town Hall, 229 Church Street,
Naugatuck, CT as set forth herein for supplying the Borough of Naugatuck with the following
Sale of the Borough of Naugatuck real property and proposals for development by the purchaser.
Specifications can be obtained at no cost from the Borough of Naugatuck web site
All firms obtaining plans and specifications must submit contact information by e-mail to Contact information must be submitted three days in advance of the bid
opening to be considered.
Addenda if required shall be posted on the web site. It is the bidder’s
responsibility to check the Town web site in advance of the bid opening to determine if any addenda
have been issued.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Office, Borough of Naugatuck, 229 Church
Street, Naugatuck, CT 06770 until Friday, September 29, 2017 at 11:00 A.M local time. Immediately
following, the bids will be publicly opened and read.
Sealed proposals will be accepted until 11:00 AM September 29, 2017
All properties inclusive of the real property and all buildings and improvements situated thereon,
if any, shall be sold in their "as is" condition. The Borough shall not make any warranties or
representations whatsoever. Each bidder shall be solely responsible for inspecting all public
records, inspecting the subject premises and drawing his own conclusions. The information contained
within the bid and from all officers, agents and employees of the Borough has been obtained from
the Borough’s records and the Borough makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or
completeness of this information. Nothing within this bid package may be construed as an expressed
or implied warranty, representation or a waiver or limitation of the State's sovereign immunity.
The Borough reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to withdraw this invitation
to bid on one or all parcels at any time before or after bids are opened.
The Borough of Naugatuck reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all
The Borough of Naugatuck is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, MBE’s, WBE’s
and SBE’s are encouraged to apply.