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5/23/2019 - Borough of Naugatuck Invitation to Bid - City Hill Middle School Roof Replacement State Project No. 088-0073 RR

Legal Notice
229 Church Street – Naugatuck, CT 06770
Tel (203) 720-7025
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids by which
the Borough of Naugatuck will contract for the
City Hill Middle School Roof Replacement
State Project No. 088-0073 RR
will be received in the Naugatuck Purchasing Office until
11:00 am, Friday, June 7, 2019
as determined by the Naugatuck Town Hall clock,
when they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting between prospective bidders and the Architect
will convene in the lobby of the School, 441 City Hill Street, Naugatuck
May 30, 2019 at 10:00 am when
project details will be discussed and questions answered.
A bid bond for five percent (5%) of the base bid cost is required
and must accompany each proposal.
Bids must be held firm for ninety (90) days beyond the bid opening date.
The successful bidder must file a one hundred percent (100%) Performance Bond,
a one hundred percent (100%) Labor & Materials Bond and a Certificate of Insurance
with the Board of Education within ten (10) days of notice of bid award.
Attention of bidders is directed to certain requirements of this contract which require payment of minimum wages and compliance with certain local, state and federal requirements.
Plans and specifications must be obtained directly from the Borough of Naugatuck’s website, or at the Naugatuck Board of Education’s website, at no cost to the Contractor.
Each bidder is responsible for checking the websites to determine if any addenda have been issued.
In accordance with Connecticut General Statute Sections 4a-100 and 4b-91, a responsible bid must contain two (2) documents: The Contractor Prequalification Certificate and the Update (Bid) Statement. The classification ROOFING is required as a minimum.
This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements.
The Borough of Naugatuck reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities, omissions, excess verbiage or technical defects in the bidding and the Borough need not necessarily award the contract to the lowest Bidder if, in the opinion of the Borough, it would be in the best interest of the Borough to accept another bid.

Invitation to Bid

Project Manual


Addendum 1