Borough of Naugatuck, CT Request for Qualifications Engineering Services
The Borough of Naugatuck, CT is seeking to engage the services of a Consulting Engineering firm to
provide engineering services for the preparation of contract plans and documents for the following
Parcels A & B Major Hub Development Project
The Parcels A & B Major Hub Development Project includes infrastructure improvements surrounding,
and within, 6 Rubber Avenue (“Parcel A”) and 0 Maple Street (“Parcel B”). Parcels A & B, once the
site of the Former Uniroyal Footwear Division, are located less than 500 feet from the Borough’s
downtown green. The State of Connecticut Department of Transportation is currently in the design
phase for the relocation of the Borough’s downtown rail line platform/station to the northern
portion of Parcel B.
This Major Hub Development project will provide the required roads and infrastructure improvements
to facilitate Transit Oriented Development (“TOD”) in Downtown Naugatuck. End uses of Parcels A & B
include mixed-income apartments & mixed-use TOD.
The project includes: soil stabilization activities and the demolition of a former stormwater pump
station on Parcel B. Additionally, the project will include the reconstruction of Old Firehouse
Road, the construction of new roadway at South Water Street to the proposed train station
(approximately 600 linear feet of roadway). The project may also include a pedestrian walkway from
Old Fire house to Church street. All roadway improvements will include decorative lighting,
drainage, sidewalk landscaping and complete street elements.
This project is part of a larger downtown infrastructure revitalization project, largely funded by
American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds. Construction funds for this project will be provided by
way of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s Connecticut Communities
Challenge Program. The selected consulting engineer shall ensure compliance of bidding documents
with grant program requirements.
The Borough of Naugatuck is currently planning to hire a construction manager for the project.
The estimated cost of construction for this project is: $5,770,000 The Scope of Work under this RFQ
1. The preparation of plans, specifications, estimates, schedules, permits, and accordance with
State and Federal guidelines for the
aforementioned project
2. Providing professional services in technical and administrative areas such as: bid
specification and construction drawing preparation, contract preparation for construction, public
outreach, utility coordination.
3. The Consulting Engineer may also be required to provide survey, prepare environmental
documents, geotechnical, construction inspection for various other construction projects as well as
completed necessary traffic and documents necessary for any required OSTA approvals.
The selected consulting engineer shall closely and frequently coordinate with the TOD developers,
DOT (State and Federal, as applicable), State of CT DECD, State of CT SHPO, utility providers, the
Borough of Naugatuck, the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments, and other local/State/Federal
agencies as applicable.
The selected consulting engineer must be well versed in State of Connecticut DECD, CT Communities
Challenge Grant & American Rescue Plan Act funding requirements. The selected consulting engineer
will be responsible for ensuring compliance with State of Connecticut, Federal, and BON procurement
guidelines as applicable.
Five (5) printed and one pdf digital copy of the letter of interest, together with general
information on the firm and proposed sub consultants, the firm's brochure, experience of the firm,
resumes of key personnel and a proposed Project schedule for the design permitting and bid phase,
must be received by the Borough of Naugatuck, Accounting Dept. Basement, Town Hall, 229 Church
Street, Connecticut, 06770 no later than 2:00
p.m. Thursday, June 8, 2023. Responses received after 2:00 p.m. on June 8, 2023 will not be
considered. All respondents must check the Borough web site within two days of the response date
check for additional information or addenda. The Borough of Naugatuck reserves the right to waive
any informalities or to reject any or all responses.
Firms responding to this request should be of adequate size and sufficiently staffed to perform the
assignment described above. The Consulting Engineering firm will be evaluated and selected based on
design and technical competence, the capacity and capability to perform the work within the time
allotted, past record of performance, and knowledge of Federal, State, and Municipal procedures,
appropriately weighted in descending order of importance.
Additionally, all interested firms must submit a detailed statement including the organizational
structure under which the firm proposes to conduct business. Proposed subconsultants should be
clearly identified. The relationship to any “parent” firm or subsidiary firm, with any of the
parties concerned, must be clearly defined.
Personnel in responsible charge of the projects will be required to possess and maintain a valid
Connecticut Professional Engineer’s License.
The project will be designed on an accelerated schedule and additional information on the project
is available from the Borough of Naugatuck web site http://www.naugatuck-
The design fee will be negotiated on a Lump Sum basis.
Questions can be directed to: James Stewart, Director of Public Works, DPW, 246 Rubber Avenue,
Naugatuck, CT 06770,
This RFQ is not an offer to contract. This request and any proposal submitted in response is not
binding on the Borough. Neither the Borough or any respondent shall be bound unless and until a
written contract, mutually accepted by both parties, is negotiated as to its term and conditions
and is signed by both parties.
Consultants are encouraged to include Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) as subconsultants.
The selected firm must meet all Municipal, State, and Federal affirmative action and equal
employment opportunity practices.
The Borough of Naugatuck is an affirmativ ity employer
WBE’s and SBE’s are encouraged to apply.