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4/9/2012 - Garnet Recycling Cart Distribution
Naugatuck residents who currently have Tuesday or Thursday collection and do not have 96 gallon carts will receive the garnet recycling carts this week. The contractor, Cascade Engineering, will begin delivering approximately 1,950 garnet recycling carts mid-morning on Wednesday, April 11th, and should be finished by Friday. The $98,160 EECB Quickspend grant we received enabled us to purchase these carts approximately 1 to 1 & 1/2 years ahead of schedule.

Residents who have collection days on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will receive both gray and garnet carts over the summer. At that time we will have 100% of the Borough using the garnet single stream recycling carts and 80% using the gray trash carts. In the fall of 2010 half of Naugatuck's residents began using the automated collection system. This system, including single stream recycling, has increased the Borough's recycling rates and reduced the amount of trash produced resulting in a savings of tax dollars along with helping the environment.

I've attached a list of street names for the two delivery days for this distribution. You will see they are our most complicated routes with partial streets and collections that "jump" all over the Borough. These routes will be serviced using the semi-automated method, many aren't accessible using the automated arm.

If there are any questions call 203-720-7071 or email



