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9/13/2012 - Police Department / Maintenance Division Tire Changer, Wheel Balancer and Compressor

Invitation to Bid

Name of Bid specification: Police Department / Maintenance Division Tire Changer, Wheel Balancer and Compressor

Delivery and/or Installation Site: Naugatuck Police Department
211 Spring Street
Naugatuck, CT. 06770

Bids will be received until:

Date: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2012

Time: 11:00 a.m. Prevailing Time

Submit Bids to: Wendy Hozer
Purchasing Agent
Borough of Naugatuck
229 Church Street
Naugatuck, CT 06770

Questions on Bid: Lt. Greg Dean
Detective Bureau Commander/ Facilities Mgr.
Naugatuck Police Department
211 Spring Street
Naugatuck, CT 06770

Type of Bid: Sealed

Bid Security: Required Not Required X

Instructions: All bidders must carefully familiarize themselves with the following Bid Specifications and any other contract documents related to the Bid purpose and/or of the project.

Bidders choosing to submit a Bid must fill out the Bid Form attached hereto.

Laws: All deliveries shall comply in every respect with all applicable laws of the United
States of America and of the State of Connecticut.

Taxes: The Borough of Naugatuck is exempt from payment of taxes imposed by the
Federal Government and/or the State of Connecticut and such taxes will not be
included in the Bid price.


Bid_Specification TIRECHANGER PD 2012