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Borough of Naugatuck

Sealed bids will be received and opened at the Borough of Naugatuck, Town Hall, Purchasing Office(located in the basement), 229 Church Street, Naugatuck, CT 06770, on Friday, August 2, 2013 at 11:00 a.m., at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for supplying The Borough of Naugatuck with the following:


Copies of the bid documents may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent. Bid documents can also be obtained from the Borough of Naugatuck web site
. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within (90) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

The Borough of Naugatuck reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

An Affirmative action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority/Women’s Business Enterprises are encouraged to apply.


Naugatuck Fire Headquarters, 41 Maple Street, Naugatuck, CT

1) Install rigging and fall protection equipment
2) Remove existing membrane roof down to steel deck
3) Remove gutter at shingle roof above flat roof.
4) Properly dispose of all material
5) Install new wood blocking at the perimeter of the new roof to match the height of the new insulation.
6) Install tapered polyisocyanurate insulation set into hot asphalt.
7) Install a layer of ½” hi density rigid insulation set into hot asphalt over the base layer.
8) Install two piles of Type IV GlasFelts set in three layers of hot asphalt.
9) Install one layer of StressPly Plus set into hot asphalt
10) Broadcast 3/8” pea gravel at the rate of 450 pounds every 100 square feet into hot asphalt
11) Fabricate and install new one piece gravel stop/gutter using .040 aluminum and flash with Tri-Base flashing membrane and StressPly.
12) Fabricate and install new 16 ounce copper plumbing vent sleeves and flash with Tri-Base flashing membrane and StressPly.
13) Cut back metal siding to allow minimum flashing height of 8” above finished roof surface.
14) Flash all walls with Tri-Base flashing membrane and StressPly.
15) Cut reglet into brick wall and install .040 aluminum counter flashing into wall after wall has been flashed.
16) Fabricate and install new 16 ounce copper pitch pockets and fill with pourable sealer.
17) Provide owner with 25 year NDL labor and material warranty. Garland Corporation preferred.
18) Quote price per square foot to repair\replace any deteriorated roof decking.
19) Work to done in conjunction with replacing one of the HVAC roof units.

Roof is available for inspection by appointment. Please contact Fire Chief Ken Hanks or Assistant Fire Chief Paul Russell at 203-720-7081.