Long Term School Facility Planning Committee
Agendas, Minutes and additional files can be found here.
N. Warren Hess III, Mayor, nwhess@naugatuck-ct.gov
Johnna Hunt, HuntJ@naugy.net
Glenn Connan, Board of Education, glenn.connan@naugatuck.k12.ct.us
Robert Neth, Burgess, bob_neth@yahoo.com
Diane Scinto, Board of Finance, dito0212@aol.com
Phil Zembruski, Parent Representative, pzembruski@snet.net
Rebecca Zandvliet, Business Representative, Rzandvliet@rebeccazandvliet.com
Charles Marenghi, Educator, charlesmarenghi@sbcglobal.net
Diana Malone, Board of Education, diana.malone@naugatuck.k12.ct.us
Ethel Grant, Board of Education, ethel.grant@naugatuck.k12.ct.us
Kevin Kuzma, Parent Representative
Cindy Herb, cubherb@yahoo.com
Laurie Taf Jackson, Deputy Mayor, LJackson@naugatuck-ct.gov
Jeffrey Litke, Board of Education, jeffrey.litke@naugatuck.k12.ct.us
Robert Burke, Board of Finance, robert3burke@gmail.com
Allyson W. Bruce, Controller, ABruce@naugatuck-ct.gov
Sharon Locke, Superintendent of Schools, sharon.locke@naugatuck.k12.ct.us