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Mission Statement

The Naugatuck Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults fifty years of age and older. Offering a variety of programs in creative arts, educational classes, social service information, recreational activities and community volunteer service. The Naugatuck Senior Center creates an opportunities for its members to continue their personal growth and meaningful service to the community of Naugatuck, Connecticut.

Mini bus transportation available through HRD (Human Resource Development). Call 203-729-5285 to register for local transportation. Call DIAL A RIDE at 203-756-5550 for further transportation services. Call the Naugatuck Senior Center at 203-720-7069 for a DIAL A RIDE application.


  • *Every Monday, 9 A.M. Physical Stretch exercise class presentment by Griffin Hospital

    *Every Monday-Friday, 9 A.M. Knitting and Crocheting instruction. Complimentary yarn and knitting supplies.

    * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Bread Day from Stop & Shop Supermarket

    * Every Monday-Friday, 9 A.M.-3 P.M. Poker

    * Every Friday, 9 A.M.- 10 A.M. & 10 A.M.-11 A.M. Low Impact Exercise class with YMCA

    Billiards, Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M.-3 P.M.

    Every Friday, 12 Noon. BINGO

    Every Tuesday, 1 P.M. Mississippi Marbles

    Lunch Service available on Tuesdays and Fridays. Call for reservations.

    WISE-Wellness in Support of Elders counseling. Call for appointment

    CHOICES-Health Insurance Information, Third Friday of the month, 10 A.M.

    Blood pressure screenings presented by Griffin Hospital, Third Friday of the month, 10 A.M.

    Naugatuck Red Hatters meeting, Second Monday of the month, 10 A.M.

    The Crafters Group, Every Wednesday, 1 P.M.

    Naugatuck Senior Health Day, held once a year on the fourth Thursday in April.

    Naugatuck Senior Day, held once a year on the third Thursday in September.

    VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance service, February –April. Call the Senior Center for appointment day and time.

    Naugatuck Valley Health District conducts yearly FLU, Shingle and COVID shots. Call Senior Center for date and time.

    Free walking cane and cane adjustments. Call the Center for an appointment.

    CERT-Emergency information. Call the Center at 203-720-7069 for scheduled program.

    The Garden Group, Meets Monday-Friday, 9 A.M. Assist with the seasonal gardening of the Center’s famous pumpkin patch and rose garden. Volunteers welcomed.

    Naugatuck Historical Museum- Complimentary senior educational lectures and concerts

    Naugatuck Ambulance Association, Free CPR and defibrillator safety classes. Call for scheduled classes.

    Free loan library


A printed Carriage House Courier of scheduled programs, activities and services is available each month. Please click below.

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