Notice to Contractors:
Sealed bids for the construction of the following project will be received by the Borough of Naugatuck Purchasing Department at the Town Hall, 229 Church Street, Naugatuck, CT 06770 until February 16, 2016, 10:00AM Eastern Time after which time no further bids will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS. The bids will be publicly opened and read by the Purchasing Agent at 11:00 AM.
Rehabilitation Of Maple Street Bridge Over The Naugatuck River, Bridge No. 04214,
F.A. # __N. F. A._
State Project No. _9087-4000,
Contract Goal: 13% DAS Certified SBE/MBE
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on January 26, 2016. The meeting will be held starting at 10:00 a.m. at the Town Hall, 229 Church Street, Naugatuck CT, Fourth Floor Hall of Burgesses.
The Town of _NAUGATUCK_hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and that they will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, mental retardation or physical disability including but not limited to blindness, in consideration for an award.
This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirement. The contractor who is selected to perform this project must comply with CONN. GEN. STAT. §§ 4a-60, 4a-60a, 4a-60g, and 46a-68b through 46a-68f, inclusive, as amended by June 2015 Speacial Session Public Act 15-5. Contract Goal: 13% DAS Certified SBE/MBE
Documents which must be completed and returned with the submitted bid are listed in the bid package. Failure to properly execute and include any one of these documents in the bid submission will result in the bid not being read and the subsequent rejection of the bid. All Proposals must be on the forms furnished by the Town of NAUGATUCK and must be requested for the above named project.
Plans and Specifications for the above project may be examined and/or obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent upon submission of a non-refundable plan deposit in the form of a check or money order payable to the Borough of Naugatuck in the amount of $350.00 per set. The bid document may also be examined and obtained at no cost from the Borough of Naugatuck web site, . All firms thus obtaining bid documents must submit contact information by email to Contact information must be submitted three days in advance of the bid opening to be considered. Addenda if required shall be posted on the web site. It is the bidder’s responsibility to check the Town web site in advance of the bid opening to determine if any addenda have been issued.
NOTE: Prime contractors must either be prequalified with ConnDOT for the work to be performed, or demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town, successful completion of three similar bridge projects within the last ten years.
NOTE: A Surety Company Bond, on the form furnished by the City/Town, for at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal. A certified check will not be accepted. The City/Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
CONTRACTORS that find discrepancies and/or errors in or between plans, specifications, quantities and other matters, must immediately notify the Director of Public Works_ in writing not less than ten days before the scheduled bid opening.
Date: _______________________________ Town of ______NAUGATUCK_____________